Friday 26 December 2014

Building on experience & Developing as an Educator.

It's the end of 2014 and most are reflecting on the year that was. But I’ve been reflecting on my last four years in Australia. After spending ten years in the US, my family moved back to Oz and I have to say, it has been my hardest challenge to date.
  • I said goodbye to some wonderful friends and colleagues.
  • I said goodbye to a newly renovated house.
  • I said goodbye to my community that consisted of a simple lifestyle.
  • I said goodbye to a working at a wonderful school.
  • I said goodbye to many available (& affordable) PD opportunities.
  • I said goodbye to traveling at a moment's notice to explore new cities.
My husband and I have moved 26 times in 25 years of marriage, whether it was apartments, states or countries. When I returned to Australia I felt we were starting all over again. I usually thrive in new situations but this one was particularly challenging. All my family live in another state and I missed my community, my friends and the simple lifestyle we lived.

Four years on and I am feeling so at home in Sydney. My children are becoming more independent, which allows more ‘us’ time. While I may complain about the traffic and the cost of living in Sydney, I am in a really good place both personally and professionally.
  • I said hello to new friends and colleagues.
  • I said hello to a great rental house.
  • I said hello to a new lifestyle that we’ve created.
  • I said hello to an innovative school that provides new opportunities.
  • I said hello to enthusiastic educators involved in Twitter & TeachMeets.
  • I said hello to traveling back to the US as a visitor.

2015 is not a new beginning but more an opportunity to add new experiences to my very fortunate life. I've created a goal for 2015 after reading 'Better' by Atul Gawande.

My one word for 2015 is "DEVELOP" 

(grow or cause to grow and become more mature, advanced, or elaborate)

DEVELOP more trusting relationships with my team & colleagues.
DEVELOP new experiences, activities and learning for all students.
Collaboratively DEVELOP a learning space that engages the students and the teachers.
DEVELOP my knowledge of an uplifting leader & put in into practise.
DEVELOP my connections so I can learn from those more experienced.
DEVELOP more the 'out of comfort zone' experiences.

Always learning...


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